Poco a Poco

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Tag: Design

A little about the VVS portfolio theme I created for my new website

The evolution of this site's home page, December '16 to March '17 I’ve named the theme I designed for my site VVS, or “Very Very Slight”. It’s a simple theme meant for portfolio sites. What sets it apart from most portfolio themes is that it’s designed to be accessible for disabled users. I paid special attention to W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines while developing the theme, and while I haven’t yet had the chance to test it with disabled users, the theme does meet every Level A standard and many level AA standards.

Can Hugo, a static site generator, replace WordPress?

My clients have been having a lot of trouble keeping bad guys out of their WordPress sites lately. Two different clients of mine have gotten their WordPress websites hacked in the last few months. Because WordPress is by far the most popular CMS right now, it attracts an inordinate amount of attention from hackers. Just last month a site I help maintain, viewpointmag.com, suffered incredible amounts of downtime because of what likely was a days-long brute force attack.